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The Puncher surname

An online search at House of Names

There are very few genealogy web sites that give you surname history information online. www.houseofnames.com is one such site however. It will provide a description of any coat of arms, and a cut down version of the family history. Although it has an American ancestor bias, it is still a useful source of information.
The results of an online search are detailed below, although they can be seen first hand by clicking this link.


Origin : English
Coat of Arms : Silver with a red cross.
Crest : Description not available.
History : Spelling variations include: Punchon, Puncheon, Punchard, Punshardon, Punshow, Pinchard and many more. First found in in Devonshire where they were seated from very early times and were granted lands by Duke William of Normandy, their liege Lord, for their distinguished assistance at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Some of the first settlers of this name or some of its variants were: Thomas Pinchen settled in the Barbados in 1663; Mr. Pincheon settled in Mass. in 1630 with his wife and three children; John Pinchin settled in Virginia in 1765; Michael Pinchard settled in Louisiana in 1719. and others.